
parent: Personal Knowledge Management (PKM)


Zettelkasten is a framework for notetaking and Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) characterized by a strong hierarchy of notes written (traditionally) on slips of paper or index cards maintained in card boxes. Emphasis is placed on creating Atomic Notes which are linked together by metadata such as tags and hyperlinks.

Characteristics of a Zettelkasten

One possible implementation of a zettelkasten workflow

A zettelkasten is composed of individual notes, each one called a zettel. There are three main types of zettels:

  1. Literature notes
  2. Reference notes
  3. Permanent notes
    Additionally, you may encounter Fleeting notes and Hub notes.

Literature Notes

Literature notes are research notes or notes being made on media being consumed (e.g., books, articles, podcasts, etc.)

Reference Notes

Reference notes are notes that categorize and refer to other notes.

Permanent Notes

Permanent notes are notes which are either original concepts and ideas not based on any particular source material, or else the distilled knowledge of source material, as recorded on literature notes and subsequently refined.

Fleeting Notes

Fleeting notes are quick notes that pass through your mind and are captured in case they may be useful in the future. Sometimes they are notes that are irrelevant or of limited function, a quick thought that needs to be jotted down for one reason or another. Other times they may prove to be useful and get expanded upon.
