Personal Knowledge Management (PKM)

child:: Lucid Drunkenness


Personal Knowledge Management, or PKM, is the process of gathering, refining, and organizing thoughts, knowledge, and information in a way which is easily accessible in the future. The point of PKM is to create an external form of memory, which can be used as a sort of memory bank. It can include many different practices and tools, including note-taking, idea capture, and information organization, among others. PKM can also include learning and development activities, such as reading, reflection, and experimentation.

Second Brain

Often the focus of PKM is to establish a so-called "Second Brain" which acts as an external form of memory and a place for external cognition. This can take many forms, the most popular systems of which are:

GSDQ and Lucid Drunkenness

Because I am a sucker for naming things and creating systems which have no scope beyond my immediate needs, I've named my PKM methodology Getting Shit Done Quick (GSDQ) and my Second Brain is called Lucid Drunkenness.