


Notetaking can mean many things depending on the context, however in this case I'm referring to personal notetaking, or notetaking for the purposes of processing information. Many academics and professionals of all industries have been known for their extensive use of personal notes for multiple purposes:

  1. To aid in the learning process. Research shows that taking notes on something you have learned or are learning is an excellent way to help retain that information.
  2. To process information. By taking notes on something you are adding your own interpretation of the facts and restating something in your own words. This helps to establish your own views on a subject.
  3. To record insights and ideas. Writing notes on a topic is a good way to refine your thoughts about that topics and develop further insight.


Notes can be stored in a Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) of some type or even just in notebooks. I use my PKM to store my notes and thoughts on ideas I'm learning or developing. I do this through the use of a Digital Garden, which houses public notes for general consumption. I also have Periodic Notes which I record my thoughts and moods in on a daily basis. Additionally, I store my in the second brain for both posterity and in case I decide to flesh them out into more developed notes in the future.