Lucid Drunkenness

child:: Zettelgarden


Binding into one form
Lucid drunkenness
Aiming truth and openess
Baby you are a joy
I want you free when you grow boy
Revive the old idea that we carry

"People Do It All The Time" by Stereolab

Lucid Drunkenness (LD) is the name of my personal knowledge management system (PKM), or second brain. It is composed of my Idea Library (which you can access here), as well as an Obsidian vault to store my private notes as well as this Zettelgarden.

Components of Lucid Drunkenness

Lucid Drunkenness has many components to it, illustrated in the diagram below.

You can read more about some of the individual components here:

Workflow Within GSDQ

Getting Shit Done Quick (GSDQ) is based around the 5-stage information process called LOGIC:

Read books, articles, etc.Highlight important Refine highlights intoatomic notesWrite additional notes based off of what I learned


For LD, information capture is largely managed through automation, although I'm constantly working on refining my system. This is what the Log stage looks like today:

It's important to note that despite the fact I can easily and often automatically capture a lot of information from many different sources, it's important to consider carefully what I'm capturing. Capturing too much can lead to information overload, which can be paralyzing. It's better to think about what is truly going to be useful and beneficial in the future, and what I want to remember and write about.


Organization is an area I'm still developing in LD. All notes and files within the system are categorized (tagged in Obsidian) according to my Life Schema, which is an ever evolving system. I also build the notes in the Zettelgarden into a hierarchy using the Breadcrumbs plugin in Obsidian. This allows each note to have a parent note, along with potential children, sibling, and cousin relationships with other notes.


Once I have my notes and highlights captured and organized, this step is where I decompose, rewrite, and get to the essence of each unique thought, by composing Atomic Notes from my source material. From there, I can reassemble and add my own thoughts into what I've learned, creating unique original ideas out of the atomic notes I've created. This can take many forms, whether it's a piece that I write for broad consumption, a new business idea, or some type of creative output.


Implementation is when the grown thought/idea is released into the public or implemented in practice. What this stage looks like can vary a lot depending on the idea in question, but


This is the stage where I reflect on what has been implemented and take note of lessons learned and best practices for the future.