Getting Shit Done Quick (GSDQ)

parent:: Personal Knowledge Management (PKM)


Getting Shit Done Quick is a methodology I’m developing for developing a PKM. Since it’s currently in development my notes related to it are a little fragmented and sometimes contradictory in places.


The purpose of GSDQ is to expedite the completion of tasks and facilitate the acquisition of knowledge in order to achieve desired outcomes. This is accomplished through a 5 stage process called LOGIC:

  1. Log: The first stage of the process is capturing fleeting thoughts and ideas as they come to mind. This can be done through note-taking, voice recordings, or any other method that allows for quick and easy capture of information. The goal of this stage is to get the thoughts, ideas, and tasks out of one's head and into a reliable external system.
  2. Organize: The next stage is organizing the captured thoughts and ideas into a structured format that allows for easy retrieval and understanding. This can include categorizing notes, creating outlines, or linking related information. The goal of this stage is to make the information more manageable and accessible.
  3. Grow: In this stage, the captured thoughts and ideas are developed further. This can include researching, brainstorming, and gathering additional information. The goal is to expand upon the initial thoughts and ideas, and create a more complete understanding of the subject.
  4. Implement: The implementation stage is where the developed ideas are put into action. This can include creating a plan of action, setting goals, or taking specific steps towards achieving a desired outcome. The goal is to turn the ideas into tangible results.
  5. Contemplate: The final stage is reflecting on the completed work. This can include evaluating the results, analyzing the process, and identifying areas for improvement. The goal of this stage is to gain insight and understanding, celebrate successes, and use this knowledge to inform future work.



GSDQ is centered around the concept of fleeting thoughts. We all have fleeting thoughts that nag at our psyche. These thoughts can rattle around your head and even become sources of anxiety if you let them. Or worse yet, they can be fantastic ideas that we have that slip away and we lose them forever.

One of the key principles in GSDQ is writing down any fleeting thought of value, whether it be a task (e.g., to-do, chore, or whatever it is that needs doing) or an idea or thought. If there is any value or stickiness to these thoughts we need to capture them.


Tasks are easy, because you just


Just like Agile, GSDQ has ceremonies. The ceremonies are: